Date Wheel is a time between dates calculator. Time is calculated in months, weeks, days, and business days.
Enter a Start Date, End Date, or Duration. The oldest field that was entered will adjust to the two new dates.
Use the Settings button to select your locale (date format and/or language).
The 'Duration' units can be changed between displaying weeks, days, and business days. To change the duration units, click on a selection: Months, Weeks, Days, or Business Days. This affects the behavior of the duration arrow buttons for the Duration only. Start/End date buttons respond as in 'Days.'
A lock can be set on a field to prevent changes to it. This is useful for when you have a firm or constrained date or duration.
Use the Today lock checkbox to lock in today's date. This feature allows for easier countdowns or tracking the age of a task by automatically updating the marked field to the current date. You must also lock the opposing date to ensure that the duration is incremented/decremented.
Tap the Today checkbox for the Start Date for a countdown. Lock the End Date. As the days pass, the Start Date will update to the current date. The duration will decrement as you countdown to the event (End Date).
Tap the Today checkbox for the End Date. Lock the Start Date. As the days pass, the End Date will update to the current date. The duration will increment accordingly, telling how long since the Start Date. This feature is useful for calcuating age or how long a task is taking to complete.
The small arrows increment or decrement the 'Start Date', 'End Date', and 'Duration' by 1 unit. The double arrows change the dates by 1 unit of the next highest field.
At this time, the web app version does not support saving calculations.
If you like Date Wheel, and would like the ability to save calculations, a native version that has this feature, is available on the AppStore for purchase.